Thursday, February 12, 2015

Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month means celebrating all aspects of the African-American experience.  With this in mind, we’ve created a reading list with a variety of topics.  Whether you like fiction or non-fiction, there are plenty of ways to celebrate the contributions of African-Americans to our society.  One can glean history from novels and biographies as well as from reading a “History of…” book, so we have included titles on fine arts, music, sports, history, religion, and more. 

When you come to the Library, peruse the glass display case and the wooden book shelf next to it.   The display case contains a broad range of “book covers,” from all sections of the library.   We did not put the actual books in the case because that would defeat the purpose; we want these books to circulate and be read!  Each book represented is one from our collection, though our copy may have a different cover.  There is a folder on top of the display case containing a complete list of what’s represented and its location in the library (this list is also linked to the Black History Banner on our website).  

These are, of course, just a smattering of titles.  If there’s a subject you love, try a catalog search and look for a title by or about African-Americans.  If fiction is your thing, take one of the Black Fiction Authors brochures (also on top of the display case).   Find a book and celebrate Black History Month!