Monday, February 26, 2018

February Task

The month of February is usually depicted with a heart or some version of Valentine’s Day. This year the 14th got here too soon for us. We were laid low by the plague and out of work a lot at the beginning of this month. Because of that, Valentine’s Day was officially postponed until we could get around to it. Well, here we are finally getting to that entry on our to-do list. The blog this month was slated to come out before the 14th and be a Valentine for our patrons.

So here it is: a belated Valentine for all our patrons and Friends. We have the best patrons and Friends, and we want you to know we consider it a privilege to serve this community. We strive to provide the best resources and services at all times, and we just want to make sure we tell you how we feel.
Fox, Love, Heart, Balloon, Mother And Child, CuteSo all this sweet talk leads into the February task for A Book Challenge, which is love. Read any book that is about love in any of its many forms. No, you do not have to read a romance; although this is the perfect opportunity for one. You can read any book where the main theme is love, whether it is love for a child, a pet, family, job, etc.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Physical Changes at DPL

The only thing that never changes is that everything changes…a truth that we at DPL embrace!  We’ve changed a lot over the past couple of years and there may be more coming, but it’s all in an effort to better serve our patrons.  We are always looking for ways to improve. 

The Library building belongs to the city of Decatur and we must get written permission before making any changes to that building.  Recently, we asked the City Council for their consent to make a few changes to our building.  These ideas involve opening up our 6th Avenue entrance by removing the brick wall; moving our historical and genealogical collections from the Alabama Room downstairs to the main level so they are easier to get to for our patrons; and  replacing or repurposing our outdated and damaged display cases. As the City Council approved these ideas, we can now move forward with exploring our options to find the best way to handle each of these projects.

None of these changes have been decided on, nor are they in progress.  Decatur Public Library strives to provide the best service possible for all of our patrons. The proposed changes are being considered because we feel they will make the library easier on our patrons and more inviting.  If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with the Marketing & Outreach department. 

Thanks so much!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

January Task

Decatur Public Library has started 2018 with some major changes. We lost employees and changed the hours we are open, causing us to enact further changes in the way we serve our patrons. Where before there was a circulation and a reference/information desk, there is now just one Public Service Desk. All patron interactions are handled from the one place, allowing us to provide better service with fewer employees. We are cross-training all employees and appreciate the public’s patience as we all adapt to the new way of doing things.

One thing that did not change is the year-long Annual Adult Reading Challenge. Despite bad weather we kicked off the 6th annual challenge on Friday, January 12th. A Book Challenge, as we are calling it this year, is based on the alphabet. If you haven’t signed up yet, please come by the Marketing and Outreach Office and we will be happy to get you started. There will be one task each month released sometime during the month on this blog. The January task is Change.  Read a book that is about a major change in the characters’ lives. Change effects all of us, whether it is a divorce, the birth of a child, the death of a parent, or the loss of a job. So come by the library and see the changes we’ve made, and sign up for the Adult Reading Challenge while you’re here.
Happy Reading!