Wednesday, May 4, 2022

May "A Reading Season" Blog


May is here and finally so is Adult programming at DPL. We kick-off Thursday, May 5th, with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist John Archibald. His book, Shaking the Gates of Hell: A Search for Family and Truth in the Wake of the Civil Rights Revolution, is partially set in Decatur, Alabama. DPL is mentioned when his Mother needs to self-educate herself on a topic; she turns to the public library for books. He also told us he learned to ride his bike in the parking lot when the current library building was new. We hope you will be able to join us for more stories about his experiences growing up in Decatur during the era of Civil Rights.

The next program for adults will be held Thursday, May 19th, at 6pm. This program is for What a Day! Short Stories by Southern Authors. The Anthology is put out by the Heart of Dixie Fiction Writers, who meet monthly at Decatur Public Library. Eleven authors have stories in the book and nine of them are confirmed to be at the program so far. We will post the full list of authors next week with more details about the book.

May is International Short Story Month, so the task this month is to read a book of short stories. The What a Day! program will let you learn about a book of short stories that might be of interest to you and let you meet some of the short story writers. As Seneca said: “As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.”

Happy Reading!