Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Painting the town REaD!

Recently, your Library staff got out of the Library and “took it to the streets” with a tent at the Decatur-Morgan Hospital’s 100th Anniversary block party.  We had balloons, all the information about Summer Reading, and we raffled off a $20 gift card to Panera Bread Company.  We thoroughly enjoyed the chance to get out of the building and mingle with our community, and we got to tell many people about the services we provide.

We liked it so much, in fact, that we’re doing it again.  This Friday, June 19th, we will have a “booth” at 3rd Friday Downtown!  We will be in Jones Park on Second Avenue near the fountain and this time we’ve got even MORE fun planned for those who stop by to visit us.   We’re going to have a Lego table set up for kids (of all ages) to create something fun.  We’ll have balloons, bubble gum, and of course, lots of information about the library and what it has available for YOU.  If you take a minute to fill out our very short survey, you’ll get a free gift AND an entry into a raffle for a $25 Starbuck’s gift card!

3rd Friday has become a tradition in our town and it always offers lots of fun, food and music.  We hope to see you there!