Tuesday, July 23, 2013

POSTCARDS: a reading challenge update

The READ THE WORLD Adult Reading Challenge is going full steam ahead and will continue until December!  If you haven’t already gotten a passport, there is still time to begin your own reading journey.  Visit the Reference Department as your first destination, and then the world is your oyster!

We currently have issued a grand total of 109 passports to reading challenge participants.  Our 100th passport was issued on 6/19/2013 to Sarah Klimko; congratulations, Sarah! Additionally, there are also a dozen DPL staff members taking part in the challenge (we do collect passport stamps, but are ineligible for prizes).

Remember, this doesn’t have to be a short trip; think of it as an extended cruise, rather than just a quick weekend getaway.  When you complete one passport level (Tourist or Explorer), you can always UPGRADE to a higher level during the year.  So far, there have been 7 readers upgraded and two intrepid Globetrotters who have finished their 40 book passports and started off around the world for a second tour!


Will Bynum was our first patron to complete the Globetrotter level.  For this honor, he was informally presented with a copy of the novel “Around the World in 80 Days”.  Jean Coquilt has also reached patron Globetrotter status! On the staff side, Rhonda Bolan also speedily completed her Globetrotter passport!  (I’m almost there, but not quite home yet, with 35 books read!)

Just a reminder about passport validation: Please have all book information properly recorded in your Passport, and have the corresponding circulation receipts with you, before stopping at Reference for a stamp.

For reading suggestions, be sure to check out the Book Display cases located next to the DVD/CD Media Room. I’m going to try to keep these going with a variety of travel themes and challenge suitable books identified by country.  Additionally, there is also a binder in Ready Reference listing more available titles and their associated countries.

Our challenge goal is to visit AS MANY COUNTRIES AS POSSIBLE.  Currently, 127 countries around the globe (and around the library) have had travelers. 

Where will you go next?