You may
have noticed a new button on our homepage: Merck Manuals. First published in 1899 as a small reference
book for physicians and pharmacists, The Merck Manual grew in size and scope to
become one of the most widely used comprehensive medical resources for
professionals and consumers.
As a sign
of its deepened commitment to worldwide medical information access and
improving global health, Merck has made the Merck Manuals available for
free in digital form to professionals and patients.
In 2015,
Merck embarked on their most far-reaching medical knowledge initiative to date,
Global Medical Knowledge 2020. Through this worldwide project, The Manuals aim
to make the best current medical information accessible by up to 3 billion
professionals and patients around the world by 2020. As part of this project,
all translations of the Manuals will be available online and kept current with
the English version.
Manuals are the product of a collaboration between hundreds of medical experts
worldwide, an independent editorial board of peer reviewers, and an editorial
staff of physicians and professional medical writers. For over 100 years, the
Manuals have had complete editorial independence to present the best current
thinking regarding medical diagnosis and treatment and do not in any way
promote or publicize Merck or MSD products. To ensure the absence of commercial
or corporate bias, authors and peer reviewers cannot be employees of Merck
& Co., nor can they serve as speakers for Merck or MSD products, or in any
other way represent the company. Although the editorial staff is employed by
Merck & Co., there is no control, review, or even input into the content of
The Manuals allowed from any other part of the company, including research and
development, sales and marketing, public relations, legal, and corporate
It delights
us here at DPL to be able to offer the Merck Manuals to our patrons. This resource is free and reputable and we
hope you’ll take a look at it when you find yourself with health & medicine
questions. (Also, if you click on the Merck Manual link
on our webpage and scroll all the way to the bottom, there’s a link to the
Veterinary Health Edition!)