Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November Task

It’s hard to believe, the end of the 2019 Adult Reading Challenge is looming in less than a month’s time. This blog will have the last task for the year, but first let’s go over some details.

Monday, December 2nd is the last day to turn in your reading logs.  You have until the Library closes at 7 pm to turn your reading logs into the Marketing and Outreach office. All entries must be in ink and legible to be eligible for the drawings for prizes. You must have read 15 books and completed 5 monthly tasks to qualify for the Attorney General level. You must have read 30 books and completed 7 monthly tasks to qualify for the Lt. Governor level. The level of Governor requires 60 books and 9 of the monthly tasks.

Winners will be announced and prizes awarded at the December Book Club at 4 pm on Thursday, December 5th.  You can turn your reading logs in anytime starting today. If we are not in our office, you can slide your reading log under the door of the Marketing and Outreach office. If you have questions about any of the titles on your log, please make sure a phone number is written on the log for us to contact you.

The final task for this year is Christmas. Any book that is set at Christmas will work for this task. Alabama was the first state in the Union to declare Christmas a legal holiday, all the way back in 1836. The federal government waited until 1870 to declare December 25th a public holiday.

Thank you to everyone who signed up and participated in the 7th annual Adult Reading Challenge-Bama Fact & Fiction this year. We hope you enjoyed the challenge and the books you read to complete each task. We also hope you learned something new about the 22nd state of the United States as we celebrated the Bicentennial of our home.

Happy Reading!