Tuesday, October 27, 2020

November "Notes on Reading" Blog


When we kicked off the 8th Annual Adult Reading Challenge on January 17th, we had no idea that 2020 would be a pandemic year with quarantines, stay-at-home orders, library closures and no book club meetings. So if you have stuck with us for the 8th Annual Adult Reading Challenge, we applaud your perseverance!

This is the last task of the year and will finish the Notes on Reading Challenge. We wanted this to be a treat not a trick so are releasing this task earlier than usual. The last task is to read a book where the title of the book is also the title of a song. The titles have to match the song title exactly. The exception is if it is a Non-Fiction title, the words before the colon must match exactly, and what comes after the colon does not matter. You can find a list of eligible books in the DPL catalog labeled “November Task for 2020 ARC”.  We have also printed the list and put a copy in the notebook outside our office door. These lists are suggestions to help you, but are not the only books that will work. You may find books we did not list. When you fill in the November task on your reading log please list book title, author and the singer or group who recorded the song.

Since this is the last task, as you finish the challenge you may turn in your reading logs. The last day to turn them in is Thursday, December 3, 2020. This is a different date than what is listed on the brochure you received when you signed up for the challenge, but a lot has changed this year! The winners will be announced on this blog and our website on Thursday, December 10, 2020.

You may drop off reading logs to the Marketing and Outreach office (now located across from Youth Services department) anytime the library is open.  If we are not in our office, please make sure your name and the phone number where we can contact you is written on the front of your reading log then slide it under the door. We will contact the winners by phone and post the list for everyone to see.

Thank you for playing along this year, we hope you read some great books and will sign up for the 2021 Challenge in January.

Happy Reading!