Thursday, April 15, 2021

April "Cast of Characters" Blog


We are so happy to have been able to take one step toward normal by launching the 9th Annual Adult Reading Challenge. While we were a little later in the year with the launch, we feel it has gotten off to a good start. If you come into the Library to sign up for the Challenge, please remember to wear a mask. While the state and city mask mandates have ended, the Decatur Public Library Board – which governs what happens here in the library – has extended our mask mandate until further notice. For the health and safety of our patrons and staff, we will require a mask to be worn when you are in the library building. We thank you for your cooperation and hope this is only for a little while longer.

For those already signed up we hope you are meeting some great characters. If you are, spread the word about the books you are reading and which clue/task they work for by sending us a book review. You can fill out the book review form by hand and drop it off at our office or go to and click on the Book Club button. This will take you to the page with the online book review form. Fill in the information and click submit to let us know about the books you would like to recommend to your fellow challenge-takers.  We are ready to put out our first newsletter but we need you to send us your reviews to make that happen.

April is National Multiple Birth Awareness Month, so this month’s task is to read a book where the characters are twins, triplets or any other form of multiple birth. The character has to be a human being; animals, aliens, etc. do not work for this task.

Happy Reading!