Wednesday, March 2, 2022

March “A Reading Season” Blog


In Reading Challenge terms, March 1st  kicks off a new season: Spring. We don’t know about you, but we’re ready for Spring right now. We’d like an end to the wet and cold and to move straight to warm and sunny weather going forward from now until summer.

No matter what the temperature outside, come visit us at DPL and check out the “Military Service: A History in Postcards” and “Honoring Military Service: Morgan County and Beyond”. These two displays are on view through Monday, March 28th during Library hours: Monday through Thursday 10am until 6pm, Friday 10am until 5pm, and Saturday 10am until 4pm. The “Military Service: A History in Postcards” is displayed in the main sitting area and is on loan from Troy University Libraries Humanities Project which is supported by a grant from the Alabama Humanities Foundation. The “Honoring Military Service: Morgan County and Beyond” is displayed in the glass cases in the main area and was provided by courtesy of the Kennedy-Nicholas-Ragland Collection.  Be sure to fill out a postcard while you are here and let us know your thoughts on the displays. There is a box on the front plug in bar to turn in comment  cards.

The March task for the ARC is to read a book set in Boston, Massachusetts. Are you wondering why Boston for the month of March? It’s because Boston has a lot of ties to the month of March and the Irish. There is a thriving Irish community in Boston, so much so they have an Irish Heritage walking tour year-round, not just in March which is Irish Heritage month. March 5, 1770, was the date of the “Boston Massacre”. Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17th)  is an unofficial city holiday, as it falls on Evacuation Day-the day the British were expelled from the city after a successful siege by Patriots in the American Revolution. The city throws one of the best Saint Patrick’s Day parades in the United States. So, if you can’t get to Boston in person this month, make the trip through the pages of a good book set in Beantown.

Happy Reading!