Monday, July 3, 2023

July "REaD, WHITE, and BLUE" Blog

The month of July is packed with things to do at DPL. We have 19 programs in the Youth Services department, a StoryWalk® at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, and a Focus Group for feedback from our community on the 20th.  Please join us for one or more of these events and be sure if you can’t make the Focus Group meeting to fill out our survey online. We want your thoughts about our community and the library to help us plan for the next 3 to 5 years.

If you are taking part in the Adult Reading Challenge, you have 5 months left to finish the Challenge. If you are interested in joining us in the Challenge, come by the Marketing and Outreach office to sign up. A reminder about the July Book Club for the Challenge: it will be held on Sunday, July 16th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the Community Room. Since this is a day the library is not open to the public, please contact Rhonda and Stephanie before the date to have your name added to the attending list. Remember, if you are not on the list, once we go upstairs, we will not hear you knocking on the door.

This July, there is a National Day to celebrate a very American character. The National Day of the Cowboy (and Cowgirl) was created in 2005 with the purpose of celebrating and preserving the Western heritage that helped build the United States of America. This holiday falls on the 4th Saturday of July; this year that will be Saturday, July 23rd.  The founders of this day recommend attending a rodeo to celebrate the occasion.  For the readers taking part in this year’s challenge the task for July is to read a book that features a cowboy and contains a rodeo. Extra points to anyone who attends or watches a rodeo after reading the book for the challenge.

Happy Reading!