Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November "ReAD, WHITE, & BLUE" Blog


November is here and with it some fall weather finally!  It’s a great excuse to snuggle up with  a fuzzy blanket, a warm drink, and a good book to spend some quality time reading.  Decatur Public Library has lots of choices when it comes time to pick out the book for your reading retreat. If you prefer an actual book check out the new book shelves beside the staircase or peruse the book river on the catalog or the website.  You can search for books to read at any time with the catalog, even if we are not open. If you find a book you really want to read, place a hold on it, even if it’s 2am. Once our staff get to work the next morning, they will pull that book for you, place it on the hold shelf and email or text you to let you know it is ready for you to pick up at your convenience.

You can also find some great eBooks to read on the  hoopla and Libby apps. If you are looking for a certain title in eBook or eAudiobook, don’t forget to check both apps. They have a few cross-over titles but they have access to different publishers and so a title you don’t find on one platform is often available on the other one. These great options are open to you with your DPL card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

If you are participating in the Adult Reading Challenge this year, the last day to turn in your reading log to qualify for the prize drawings is Thursday, November 30th by 6:00pm. If you come by the Marketing and Outreach office to turn in your log and we are not available, please make sure your name, DPL card number, and a telephone number is written on the front before you slide it under our door. We will find it when we return to the office. If you have participated at all, filled out even just one title, please consider turning in your reading log.

The last task for this year’s Reading Challenge is to read a book where one of the main characters is a pet.  According to,  in 2023,  66% of American homes- that’s 86.9 million homes- include a pet. We really love our furry sidekicks because in 2022 we spent $136.8 billion on our pets.  Whether we consider them our fur-babies or our best friends, they are very important members of most Americans households. Their antics  also make great reading, so find a book with a furry, scaly, or feathery main character to close out this year’s Adult Reading Challenge!

Thanks for taking the Adult Reading Challenge this year.  If you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about the Challenge you are welcome to come by the Marketing and Outreach office or call us at 256-3450-5780.

Happy Reading!