Thursday, October 31, 2024

November "Roarin' Reads" Blog


It is hard to believe , but we are headed into the holiday season and the end of 2024. Here at DPL the end of the year is always a busy time. In October we hosted 21 in house programs, plus the 43rd Annual Quilt Show, and took part in 5 Outreach events outside the library.  That was a lot of programming and event participation!  We hope we saw you at some of the in-Library programs and the outreach events, too.

We will kick-off November by participating in Downtown Decatur’s Día De Los Muertos Celebration on Saturday, November 2nd from 11:00am until 5:00pm. Come see us if you are in the downtown area. This November there will be lots of activities in the Youth Services department and a couple of programs for teens and adults.  Our Friends will host their Holiday Book Fair on Thursday, November 21st from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm  and on Friday, November 22nd from 10:00 am until 4:30 pm.  We would love to see you at any or all of these programs!

This last task for the 2024 Adult Reading Challenge is all treat, no trick!  You are getting it a day early and it is an easy one to boot.  In the 1920s the most popular dog breed was the German Shepherd. For the November task read a book with a German Shepherd as a character in the book.

Don’t forget the deadline to turn in your Reading Log is Wednesday, November 27th by 6:00 pm. We hope you enjoyed reading books inspired by the Roaring Twenties and will sign up for the Adult Reading Challenge again next year.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

October "Roarin' Reads" Blog


There are 44 quilts displayed in the Decatur Public Library during our 43rd Annual Quilt Show. We need you to come in and vote for your favorite before we close on Saturday, October 19th,  at 4:00pm. The ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for Viewer’s Choice will be posted on Monday, October 21st . The quilts will be on display until Saturday, November 2nd.

There are also programs to learn about quilting. Join the Piecemakers and  the Decatur Quilt Lover’s Guild to learn how to hand quilt at a quilting bee in the main seating area on October 9th and 30th from 10am until 4pm. Teens and adults are welcome to come put in 2 or 200 stitches. If you have no idea how to stitch, they will teach you. 
There will also be a class on making pictorial pixel quilts on Wednesday, October 16th,  at 12 noon in the Training Center, taught by Heather Whiteside. Her pixel self-portrait quilt is hanging outside the Youth Services room.

If you are participating in the Adult Reading Challenge, it is time to start making sure you have entered all of the books you have read that work for clues or tasks on your reading log. The deadline for turning in reading logs is Wednesday, November 27th,  by 6:00pm. Please make sure your name, library card number and phone number are on the reading log before you turn it in. If you signed up for the challenge but did not read enough books to qualify for one of the drawings, please turn in your reading log anyway. We realize not everyone has time to read as much as they would like, but if you filled out any of the reading log it shows participation.

The October task for the ARC is to read a book with a séance in it.  The 1920s saw a resurgence in the paranormal and occult. Many people had lost loved ones in the first world war and were desperate to contact their lost loved ones. Some people hosted seances as parlor games the same way they played with an Ouija Board. Mediums, mesmerists, and magicians were all popular during this time.

Happy Reading!