Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Local Author Meet-N-Greet 2015

Last Thursday we had four local writers in our Library signing and selling their books.  They were set up in our main area and chatted with patrons from 4pm-6pm and then we had a friendly, conversational discussion about their writing journeys and styles.  We had a great time and enjoyed getting to know the writers and attendees!  

While the styles, subjects and stories varied, the authors were uniformly kind, entertaining, and helpful.  Les Johnson, whose works include science fiction and fact, discussed his road to publication in both of those areas.   Donna Fitch shared how physical therapy following an accident led her to an idea for a novel (and the benefits of her academic library in her historical research **SHAMELESS LIBRARY PLUG**).  Angela Blount discussed how she makes herself put a manuscript aside for at least a month before making edits, and Charles Jackson shared how family history inspired him to start writing.  Each had much more to say and the atmosphere was casual and engaging.  

If you missed out, you can still get to know these talented and remarkable authors.  Those who have websites are linked above.  Several of the works are in our collection, but if a title is missing that you’d like to read then stop by the Reference Desk and ask us to get it.  If you prefer to have your own copy, the authors have information on how to purchase their books on their websites.