Thursday, October 1, 2015

October's Adult Reading Challenge "Clues"

It’s hard to believe but the end is in sight for this challenge. This blog will give you two of the last four clues for this year. You may start turning in your “Letter of Marque” (reading log) to StephRhonda after the last two clues are released on the second day of November. For those who need longer you will have until 5:00pm on December 1, 2015 to complete the challenge. In order to be eligible for the prize drawings you will need to see Stephanie or Rhonda to have your log validated. If we are not in the small study room on a day you come into the library, please ask the circulation desk to buzz us at our desk in the back. One of us is usually here 9-5:30 most days and 2 weekends of the month we cover the reference desk. We will post in another blog the hours we will be in the library next month so you can make sure to catch us. Thanks so much for playing along this year.

The clues for this month are:

Ghosts: Read any book that contains a ghost. This should get you in the mood for Halloween.

Book from Friends’ Market: Book must be purchased from the Friends of the Library Used Book Room (in the hallway across from the public restrooms). Just in time for this clue the books are ½ price this month. You can’t beat that.

Witches/Magic: Book must contain witches or the use of magic.

October Author: Read any book by an author who was born in the month of October.  A few suggestions are Anne Rice, Elmore Leonard, Jackie Collins, and Pat Conroy.
The two released clues are both areas located on the map you received when you signed up for the challenge.

Young Adult: Read any book found in Young Adult Cove. This ties in with the first of the month because Banned Book Week is being celebrated September 27th-October 3rd.  This year the emphasis is on young adult books because they are the ones most likely to be targeted for censorship.

Science Fiction/Fantasy: Read any book found in Sci-Fi Sound and it will count. This could be a fantasy or science fiction book.  Refer to the map to find these book locations in our library.