Monday, February 26, 2018

February Task

The month of February is usually depicted with a heart or some version of Valentine’s Day. This year the 14th got here too soon for us. We were laid low by the plague and out of work a lot at the beginning of this month. Because of that, Valentine’s Day was officially postponed until we could get around to it. Well, here we are finally getting to that entry on our to-do list. The blog this month was slated to come out before the 14th and be a Valentine for our patrons.

So here it is: a belated Valentine for all our patrons and Friends. We have the best patrons and Friends, and we want you to know we consider it a privilege to serve this community. We strive to provide the best resources and services at all times, and we just want to make sure we tell you how we feel.
Fox, Love, Heart, Balloon, Mother And Child, CuteSo all this sweet talk leads into the February task for A Book Challenge, which is love. Read any book that is about love in any of its many forms. No, you do not have to read a romance; although this is the perfect opportunity for one. You can read any book where the main theme is love, whether it is love for a child, a pet, family, job, etc.

Happy Reading!