Friday, October 1, 2021

October's "Cast of Characters" Blog


October at Decatur Public Library means the library is draped in beautiful quilts for the 40th Annual Quilt Show. The quilts will be on display from Friday, October 1st, through Saturday, October 30th, during regular library hours. There are 47 entries this year and we challenge you to come in and choose  just one favorite. You can find more information about the quilts here.

Another reason to come to the Library in October is for Outdoor Story Time  for kids. The first two Story Times are planned for Wednesday, October 6th, at 10:00am and Thursday, October 7th, at 10:00am on the lawn on the Cherry Street side of the Library. If you want to get emails about these and all other kids’ activities at DPL, sign up for our Youth Services email list here.

We will also host the Book Club for the Cast of Characters Adult Reading Challenge on the lawn on Thursday, October 7th, from 12noon until 2:00pm. Bring your chair or blanket to sit on, information on all of the books you’ve read for the Challenge since we last met, and join us outside to talk books. We have missed seeing your faces and talking books!

The October task for the Adult Reading Challenge is to read a book with a ghost as a character. It is that time of year when shivers should come from the weather and the spooky. Or, if you prefer, read a non-spooky story with a ghost as a character. Just one more task to go and this year’s Challenge will be finished. Thanks for playing; we hope you are enjoying the Cast of Characters Challenge!

Happy Reading!