Wednesday, June 1, 2022

June "A Reading Season" Blog


Check any library calendar during the month of June and you will find programs and events aimed at keeping kids reading during the summer months. Public libraries in Alabama this year are using the slogan “Oceans of Possibilities” and programs and events that tie into the theme of oceanography. Here at DPL we are starting our summer with a kick-off program on Friday, June 3rd, from 10am until 2:00pm on the Cherry Street side of the Library. We are hosting a drive-up program using the circular drive to hand out goody bags for kids aged 12 and under.   The best and most unique thing about this year’s Summer Reads program at DPL is that we are giving the prizes away at the kick-off event!  The prize for kids aged 12 and under is a hardback children’s encyclopedia on the Ocean, and it’s in the kick-off bag along with other goodies!

When you bring kids through the drive-through to get their goody bag, you’ll also receive information on downloading the READsquared app to track reading progress. There will be activities, games, read-alongs with Ms. Anna, digital badges and more on the app. Mark your calendar and bring your 12 and under kids to Decatur Public Library’s drive-up kick-off this Friday from 10:00am until 2:00pm. Bags will be available while supplies last; after 2:00pm you can come into the Youth Services department to sign up and get a goody bag.

For adults and teens this month we will be hosting Writing Workshops with the Heart of Dixie Fiction Writers. If you are interested in learning to set a scene, create characters, or publish what you write, join us Saturday, June 11, 2022 from 12noon until 2:00pm to learn from the professionals. The classes are free and taught by best-selling and award-winning authors. Space is available on a first come, first served basis. Some of the authors in Heart of Dixie Fiction Writers will also set up for a Meet and Greet in the main area. If you’ve met any of the authors before, you know they are always a lot of fun, so don’t miss this opportunity to spend time with these friendly storytellers.

The June task for the Adult Reading Challenge is to read a book where you learn at least one fact you didn’t know about the ocean, sea, or any other large body of saltwater. It could be non-fiction about the ocean or marine life, or a fictional book that features or is set on – or in – the ocean. As long as the book imparts a fact you didn’t know about the ocean before you read the book, it doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or non-fiction!

Happy Reading!