Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April “Notes on Reading” Blog

Decatur Public Library has been closed to the public since Monday, March 16th and we don’t know when we will be able to re-open. To say the month of March has been distressing and disruptive is a major understatement. But while the physical library building is closed, we want you to know that DPL is still ready and able to serve you. We have multiple electronic platforms available with eBooks, eAudioBooks, albums, television shows, movies and more to provide you with reading and watching materials. We also have online databases to assist with school work and newspaper access to help you stay informed. If you need Wi-Fi connection, that is available 24/7 from our parking lot. All you need is a device and the password (fun2read). All of our online resources can be accessed from

The administration team is working from home to update our webpage and keep social media current with ideas for ways to keep your entire family entertained and educated while COVID19 forces us to practice social distancing. We are looking into additional electronic resources and purchasing more titles for all ages to offer our patrons the best service possible in this trying time.

If you have questions for us or suggestions please feel free to contact us at

Because this past month has been so stressing and we don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel just yet, the April task for the Adult Reading Challenge is to read any book that makes you happy.  Hoopla has added over 1000 titles that don’t count against your check out limits and that made us happy so we want to pass that feeling along in the Challenge. We hope you will choose to read a book that relieves some of the stress we are all living under right now.

Stay Safe and Happy Reading!