Friday, April 24, 2020

May “Notes on Reading” Blog

As we are writing this blog, we have no answers to when Decatur Public Library will re-open. We do know that even if Governor Ivey announces the stay at home order is lifted on April 30th, DPL will not be able to open the doors and go back to business as usual right away.  Programs will not be restarted until we can be sure it is safe for both patrons and staff. That means the monthly book club meeting that was scheduled for May 7th will not happen. We will post any updates on our status to the website as soon as we have information to share.

While you are at home and cannot physically travel or go to a concert, take a virtual trip to New Orleans.  The link will take you to a lot of the main attractions. It will also allow you to hear the music that has made the Big Easy a favorite destination for so many.  Here’s a link to a list of the best virtual music concerts, available from New Orleans straight to your home during the COVID19 pandemic.
If there is another spot on the globe you are longing to visit, find a book to take you there with our eBook collection. Don't forget to check both Camellia Net and hoopla. April is poetry month and as Emily Dickinson said

“There is no Frigate like a Book
To take us Lands away”.

This is your May task for the Adult Reading Challenge, to read a book that takes you to a place you would like to visit, but cannot while we are all staying safely home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  

We might read a book set in a library, as that is the  place we hope we can all visit soon.
Happy and (Safe) Reading!